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Because service to humanity is such a vital part of who Chi Omega is and the enormous potential of our volunteerism, the leadership of Chi Omega spent the year 2000 researching the possibility of establishing a national philanthropy.
A Steering Committee was created with members from both Chi Omega Fraternity and the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Every segment of Chi Omega was represented on this committee. Working closely with the Make-A-Wish® Steering Committee members, the program guidelines were drawn up and presented at Convention 2002.
This is a very exciting time for both Chi Omega and the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Both of our organizations embarked on a new adventure and all Chi Omegas played a very important part in determining the success of our joint venture. This exciting alliance between Chi Omega and the Make-A-Wish Foundation provided a common goal for every Chi Omega collegiate and alumnae chapter; increased the visibility of Chi Omega’s volunteerism and philanthropy nationwide; and combined the prestige of a national charity with grassroots support.
In our first year, we experienced great enthusiasm and involvement in the alliance that permeated throughout our chapters. More than $216,000 was raised to provide wishes through the Make-A-Wish chapters all over the country. There were also thousands of volunteer hours recorded from Chi Omegas. During the fall semester of 2002, 65 collegiate and 9 alumnae chapters raised over $216,000 for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. To make it even better, 1,898 Chi Omegas volunteered with the Make-A-Wish Foundation for a total of 7,968 hours. So, let’s all jump on the bandwagon and grant a wish to a deserving child!
If you are planning a fund-raiser for the Make-A-Wish Foundation, please contact the Chi Omega Headquarters and the Make-A-Wish office in your area to ensure that you are not in violation of our agreement with the Make-A-Wish Foundation. There are Program Guidelines available for any chapter through the Chi Omega Executive Headquarters. These can also be found online by going to our resources area and clicking on the Make-A-Wish Program Guidelines folder. Strict risk management and program guidelines must be followed, including the tracking of each event and volunteer hours given. This goes into the accounting of our funds and hours at the end of each year.
There are many wonderful ways to become involved, one of which is to volunteer for an event that the Make-A-Wish chapter in your area has planned. You may join another Chi Omega collegiate or alumnae chapter. Another is to plan your own event or join a local collegiate or alumnae chapter to co-sponsor an event. If you do join another Chi Omega chapter, this chapter must be in the same Make-A-Wish territory as your chapter. You must call your local Make-A-Wish chapter to discuss your plans and sign a licensing agreement with them regarding the use of their name on your event. Remember the Signature name for all of our events, “ Just Wish for It!!”
If you are uncertain as to which Make-A-Wish chapter would serve your chapter, contact Sarah Thornton at Chi Omega Headquarters. She can be reached at 901/748-8614 or sthornton@chiomega.com.
To see the joyous smiles on the faces of all wish children and their families is living proof of the giving spirit of all Chi Omegas.
To visit the Chi Omega Foundation webpage, click here. To visit the Chi Omega Foundation's Make-A-Wish webpage, click here.
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